Sycamore Tree General Store

2466 Terrell Rd
New Vienna, OH 45159


Owner/s: Tim & Jamie Patten

Business Description: Sycamore Tree General Store is currently an internet-based general store (with a pick up option) providing a variety of natural and hand crafted products for home, farm, and garden.

Unique Products/Services: Products include natural liquid and bar soaps, lotions & balms, homemade breads, bulk foods, baking supplies, wheat berries, dried beans, coconut oil, heirloom seeds, wooden crates, raised-bed garden box kits and more.

Ownership Type: Family owned, Locally (Clinton County) owned, Privately Owned, Independently owned

Free, Public Wi-Fi Offered: No

Web hours: 24/7
Phone hours: Monday -Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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