Sustainable Structures of Southern Ohio

393 Reeder Rd.
Blanchester, OH 45107


Owner/s: Gerard Brauckmann

Business Description: Sustainable Structures of Southern Ohio offers residential and commercial energy audits and building performance analysis to homeowners and small business owners in the Clinton County and surrounding areas.

Unique Products/Services: I am a BPI (Building Performance Institute) certified professional and a RESNET energy rater. We can fulfill the requirements of the upcoming HOMESTAR program for residential energy retrofits being implemented for 2011.

-green consulting
-thermal imaging analysis
-home weatherization
-commercial lighting retrofits
-and MORE!

Ownership Type: Locally (Clinton County) owned, Privately Owned, Independently owned

Free, Public Wi-Fi Offered: No

Hours: please contact by phone or email to set an appointment

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    This site was built, and is maintained by Energize Clinton County