Clinton County Peddlers Lodge

280 W Curry Rd
Wilmington, OH 45177


Owner/s: Kris St.John

Business Description: A small, local supplied old-time county store. The store features homemade bread, jams, fudge and coffee beans. Also there are many craft and artisan vendors selling such items as scented candles, leather tooled items, and jewelery. Peddler Pocketfillers provides penny candy and other small kid pleasures. Photagraphy for the family including the four-legged members. Collectables and other finds can be found at the Peddlers Lodge. Owned and ran by Clinton County natives.

Unique products/services: Everything in the store is locally generated. Products or small businesses are the focus of our business.

Ownership type: Family owned, Locally (Clinton County) owned, Privately Owned, Independently owned

Free, public Wi-Fi: No

Hours: Presently Friday 4-7
Saturday 11-5
Sunday 1-5
Holiday hours will be added during Thanksgiving weekend and December.
On site photagraphy by appointment.

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