Clinton County Open Lands, Inc.

P.O. Box 95
Wilmington OH 45177


Owner/s: Not-for-profit organization

Business Description: The mission of Clinton County Open Lands, Inc. is to permanently preserve farmland, natural areas and waterways in Clinton County, Ohio. Land trusts purchase land and hold conservation easements or agricultural easements to accomplish permanent preservation. We currently hold easements on 284 acres of Clinton County farmland and own a 2.4 acre urban greenspace, Hunter Glen Nature Preserve in Wilmington, Ohio. We are also a member of the Ohio Coalition of Land Trusts (COLT) and the national Land Trust Alliance. We support local agriculture and outdoor activities and tourism.

Unique Products/Services: As more farms are preserved, we can provide marketing through the use of the CCOL logo for sustainable agriculture (e.g., this product grown on a preserved farm).

Ownership Type: Locally (Clinton County) owned

Free, Public Wi-Fi Offered: No

Hours: We are an all volunteer organization and do not have an office or hours.

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    Chris Schock, Clinton County Regional Planning Commission

    Energize Clinton County

    This site was built, and is maintained by Energize Clinton County