Deb's Health Den

1079 Orchard Rd
Wilmington, Ohio 45177
(937) 382-7998


Owner/s: Debbie Hatten

Business Description: At Deb's Health Den we are an Natural Educational center that carries the finest quality of Nature's Sunshine Products along with Pure Herbs. We also carry a wonderful line of children's supplements, essential oils and homeopathic medicines.

Unique Products/Services: I provide herbal consultations and center on teaching the client about natural ways they can aid the body in healing itself. By using a technique called Iridology (study of the iris of the eye) and as a Master Herbalists I can provide each client with a better understanding of how herbs, supplements, exercise and rest can contribute to improve their health naturally

Ownership Type: Family owned

Free, Public Wi-Fi Offered: No

Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9-5

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