For A Song & A Story

201 E. Locust Street
Wilmington, OH 45177

Owner/s: Paul & Cindy Shivers

Business Description: Musical instruments and Accessories. Private music instruction. Used books and small antique items.

Unique Products/Services: Our entire business is unique, a "one of a kind" business. We are located in an old two-story Victoran home. The front porch has a book porch post which is a draw to those not from our area. Used books and antique items are sold on the second story, while music retail is offered in two of the front rooms downstairs. Ten music studios are used by over 20 specialized instructors. We work cloely with area band programs and offer rental plans on band instruments. Instrument repair is also available.

Ownership Type: Family owned, Locally (Clinton County) owned, Privately Owned, Independently owned

Free, Public Wi-Fi Offered: No

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 11:00am-9:00pm
Wednesday 11:00am-6:00pm
Friday & Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
Closed Sundays

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